What You May Not Know About Joseph of Arimathea

What You May Not Know About Joseph of Arimathea

Copyright 2020 by Joan Berry

            We Christians are familiar with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and how Joseph of Arimathea secured permission to have Him removed from the cross. With the Sabbath approaching just a few hours away, Joseph and Nicodemus prepared Jesus for burial in a new tomb crafted earlier for Joseph.  Joseph is mentioned in all four gospels in the Bible and there is much more to learn about him. This essay is compiled from the Gospels, ancient accounts that are provable, references to letters and third-party accounts, and the Talmud.

Personal Data

            Joseph was born in Arimathea in 41 BCE (now Ramallah, Israel) and died in 45 CE at age 86 at Glastonbury, England. He also was a resident of de Marmore in Egypt probably due to his trading business around the Mediterranean Sea, South America, and southern England where there were rich mines of copper and tin. At that time England was the largest producer of tin mining. Joseph was a very wealthy merchant whom the Romans designated as their Minister of Mines.

Jesus, as a teenager and young man, sailed with his great-uncle on his merchant voyages and that would account for those supposed lost years of our Lord. It was also recorded that Joseph followed the teachings of the Essenes. If so, this would account for some scholars believing that Jesus had leanings toward this sect. Members lived apart from their spouses and raised others’ children to maintain their population. This, too, would account for Jesus being under the tutorage of his great-uncle. There are accounts, at that time, of seeing Jesus in coastal cities with his great-uncle, especially in southern England and India; all on trade routes.

Family relationship to Jesus

Joseph is the son of Matthat, son of Levi ben Melchi and Esthra/Estha; Joseph is the husband of Anna bat Simon of Arimathea and Alyuba bat Ekeazar; Joseph is the brother of Joachim, Heli ben Matat, and Bianca; He is the half-brother of JoAnna of Arimathea. His stepmother is Rachel of Arimathea. Joseph is the younger brother of Joachim who was Mary’s, the mother of Jesus, uncle, and great-uncle of Jesus.

Joseph and the Sanhedrin

             Joseph is recorded as being an important person in the Sanhedrin with the position of counselor and a voting member. He was careful to keep secret that he was a disciple of Jesus because the synagogue leaders held serious disapproval of Jesus.  When he went to Pilate to secure the body of Jesus, the elders and Romans
were furious with him and Nicodemus, a Pharisee who believed in the resurrection.  And aided in getting the body of Jesus ready for burial.  Normally, preparing a body for burial was left to the family women. However, this was an emergency situation because the Sabbath was only a few hours away. Joseph was family, and took on the responsibility. Most of the disciples had fled for their lives and the women left could not get the task done in time.

            The elders didn’t see it that way and arrested Joseph and imprisoned him. They tortured Nicodemus and nearly beat him to death. His brother rescued him and kept him safe for the rest of his life at his country estate. While Joseph was in prison, Jesus appeared to him as He walked through the cell bars. According to this legend, Jesus told Joseph that because he had taken care of His body, that now He would take care of Joseph’s. Jesus took his hand and together they passed through the cell bars into freedom. Joseph fled to Arimathea. The legend continues by relating that the guards found the cell vacant and the lock untouched. After reporting the incident to the elders, the elders contacted Joseph to arrange a meeting. After listening to Joseph’s testimony, they dropped the charges against him. However, that was an exception probably due to Joseph’s influence and wealth.

The Escape by Sea

             Several historical sources tell that about 37 CE and after Stephen was stoned to death on order of the Sanhedrin, Joseph and the Apostle Phillip and a group of Jesus’ followers escaped by sea by sailing from Phoenicia. They were fortunate because as they set sail, the Sanhedrin ordered any followers arrested were to be loaded onto boats without sails and oars and set adrift on the sea. Many were rescued or drifted to small islands.

            Those who accompanied Joseph and Phillip used the event as their initial sea-borne missionary journey. According to Maurus (CE 766-850), the followers were: Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and the sisters’ maid, Marcella; Eutopus; Mary Salome (Jesus’ sister) and her maid, Sara; Mary Cleopos; Saturnus; Mary Magdalene; Maximin, a young ruler; Martral; Traphimus (or Restitus) and others.

            The group sailed from the Levant in the Phoenician homeland. At that time Phoenicia bordered Judea. The Phoenicians were masters of the seas and trading routes and had trading posts around the entire Mediterranean Sea, and beyond to South America and British Isles especially southern England. They established three main trading routes: the shores of the northern sea; the shores of the southern sea; and a route running across the center of the sea to trade with the islands. It was the center route that the group took to Gaul (France) and Marseilles. It was there that Maximinus, Mary Magdalene and Lazarus parted from the group, while Phillip scouted the area for missionary work.  

Lazarus became the Bishop of Marseilles, and Maximinus traveled with Mary Magdalene throughout southern France as escort and protector as they carried out missionary work. Maximinus later became the Bishop of Aix-en-Provence. Mary died in 63CE at 72 years of age. When she knew her time was near, she traveled to Aix where the bishop, her friend, took her confession. Her remains reside in the Basilica of Mary Magdalene in Sainte- Maximinus-la-Sainte-Baume. Other countries claim she died in them, but King Charles II found her grave site and built a new tomb. Due to wars and looting, her remains were eventually moved to the basilica with King Charles being informed of the move and why.


From Marseilles, Josepha and Phillip and the remainder of the group sailed to southern England turning east along the coast toward the English Channel and ran aground in the Glastonbury marshes where Apostle Phillip sent Joseph ashore with twelve disciples. According to a legend, that is mostly true, the group climbed a nearby hill to view the surrounding countryside and being tired rested there. This place became known as “Wearyall Hill.” Joseph declared the place as sacred and planted his walking staff that was crafted from Jesus’ crown of thorns. The staff took root and a white thorn bush sprouted and grew. It is reported that this species only naturally grows in the eastern Mediterranean area including Judea. It is also said that the bush blooms twice a year – Easter and Christmas.

Joseph built an abbey (Vetresta Ecclesia) from mud wattle on the sacred site and decreed that twelve monks should always reside there; this church was destroyed by fire in 1184. It was the first Christian church built after Jesus’ resurrection. Joseph died in 45CE at age 86 and was buried very near the abbey. Later, after the abbey was destroyed, his remains were moved to a new grave in the chancel of Glastonbury-abbey where he is honored with an elegant tomb that bears the following engraving:


The Chalice

            Another legend concerning Joseph is that he was in possession of the chalice (cup) from the Last Supper, The legend reports that Joseph collected some of the blood and sweat from Jesus’ side after it was pierced by the Roman soldier.  According to the legend, he hid the cup at the bottom of a deep well at Glastonbury. The well is called the Chalice Well or Blood Well. The well water runs red due to its high iron content.

Apostle Phillip

            There are no records regarding how or when Phillip and others aboard the grounded ship continued their voyage by sea. It could be assumed that with Joseph’s influence in that mining area, help would not be far away; however they did continue. Phillip became an important missionary in Samaria and what is today Turkey. He preached mainly in Phrygia until he was martyred in Hierapolis by hanging


Berry, J. (2019), Historical & Spiritual Views of the Seven Churches of Revelation & Other Topics of Study.

Britanni. (n.d.) www.britannia/backs/history/abbey.html

Dumond, J. D. (2012). Joseph of Arimathea. www.sightedmoon-archives/josephofarimathea/

Gospel of Nicodemus. (n.d.).

Howell C. & Khler K. (n. d.) Jewish Encyclopedia.

Kraentzler E. F. (1978). History of Richard Plantagenet & Cecily de Neville.

Nag Hammadi Scriptures. (2007), New York, NY: HarperCollins.

New King James Study Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. (2018). Nashville TN. Thomas Nelson Bibles/

Rabanus Maurus. (CE776-856). Copy of this text exists in Bodleian Library , Oxford University UK


Walker A. (Trans). (n.d.)  Gospel of Nicodemus.


What You May Not Know About The Land of Nod and Cain 

By Joan Berry Copyright 2023 

It has been said that the Bible is like an onion, layer upon layer. The more we peel back those layers, the more we realize that there was more to a passage than we realized at the time. In this article, the example is the Land of Nod that is mentioned in the Book of Gensis and the name ‘Land of Nod’ is mentioned in the Bible only once. God exiled Cain to Nod because he killed his brother, Abel: ‘You shall be a vagabond,’ God said. The etymology of the word ‘nod’ comes from the word ‘nud’ meaning to wander or to move to and fro. 


The general consensus of biblical scholars is that Nod was not a place such as a settlement before Cain’s arrival; but a place for wandering fugitives, a wilderness, and apart from God. In Aramaic, Nod/Nud is used as a verb. The meaning of Nod depends on the circumstances. It could mean shaking of the head in sympathy, bemoan, wandering, remove, and to flee. Strong’s Hebrew Concordance lists the following references based on the meaning of Nod/Nud in different circumstances: Genesis 4:12. 4:14; I Kings 14:15; II Kings 21:8; Job 2:8, 42:11; Psalm 11:1, 36:11,  68:12, 69:20; Proverbs 3:2, 26:2, 21:20; Isiah 24:29, 51:19; Jeremiah 5:3, 24, 4:1, 15:5, 16:5, 18:15,16, 22:10, 31:18, 48:17, 18, 27, 49:30, 50:3, 8; Nahum 3:7; II Samuel 7:8, 15:25; I Chronicles 17:7; Exodus. 


  The Bible tells us about the eviction of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden for disobeying God. In their new abode, their first son, Cain, was born and later, Able, the second son. Cain followed his father into farming; Able became a shepherd. When the time came for a sacrifice to God, Able gave the first and best sheep from his flock. Cain gave “some” of his grain crop; a proper sacrifice at that time also included grain. When God refused Cain’s offering, he became very angry. The offering was not accepted because it was not the best of the crop – it was just “some of it.” Cain’s attitude toward his sacrifice was not respectful. Cain’s anger turned to jealousy that led to him to kill his brother. When God confronted Cain and gave him a chance to repent, Cain was arrogant. Then God exiled him to the Land of Nod as punishment. The account of Nod in Gensis places it east of Eden. God exiled Cain to a life of a vagabond that was Cain’s Nod [Separation from God in an infertile area. God told Cain his crops would not be fruitful as before his exile to Nod]. Today this general area is occupied by Bedouins.  

 We know Cain took his family with him because he fathered Enoch by his wife, Awan, who had a sister, Azura. They are recorded in the ancient Book of Jubilees. Historian Flavius Josephus (CE 93) recorded in his Antiquities of the Jews that Cain continued his wickedness.  

He resorted to violence and robbery, established weights and measures that transferred human innocence into craftiness and deceit. He also established property lines and built a fortified city. Cain’s name means possessor of a spear; Cain and Enosh are also known as human.  

Cain’s Children 

A genealogy from Adam to Noah is provided to help remove the name confusion. This list is in Gensis 6. Adam and Eve begat Able who was killed by Cain; Cain begat Enoch (not the one who was holy); Enoch begat Irad; Irad begat Methujael; and Methujael begat Methushael who begat Lamech; Lamech begat Jabal and Jubal; Jubal begat Jubal who had two wives and the first one to have more than one wife. By Adah he begat brothers Jabal and Jubal; by Zillah, he begat Tubal-Cain and Naaman. Adam and Eve generated a second line of descent when they begat Seth who begat Enos. Enos begat Kenan (Cainin); Kenan begat Mahalalel; Mahalalel begat Jared; Jared begat Enoch who wrote the Book of Enoch; Enoch begat Methuselah; Methuselah begat Lamech; Lamech begat Noah who begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. With the arrival of Noah, the flood, and the destruction of the Earth, prehistoric humans had run their course. 

Name meaning (Often named according to character) 

Enoch: The first son born to Cain and Awan. His name means disciplined one; 

Irad: The fugitive and wild ass;  

Methujael: He wanted to blot out the name of God and wanted to bring God down to the level of man;  

Methushael: They died who are of God, meaning they could be their own god and not die;  

 Lamech: (son of Methushael:) Skill and strength, arrogance, vengeance and boastfulness. “I killed a man,” he boasted to his wives.  Furthermore, he planned to magnify vengeance by himself, and he would take vengeance on anyone who attacked him. Other meanings to this Lamech were made low unto bringing low; 

Jabal and Jubal were brothers: Jabal means a river flows forth. Jubal means to bring forth. Both names are related to the word jubilee. Jabal was the progenitor of tent dwellers and herders. Jubal was the progenitor of all who played the flute and the long flute; 

Tubal-Cain: He was a smith and progenitor of every artisan who makes copper and iron tools, and he is generally known as the father of metallurgy; 

Naaman: She was Tubal-Cains’ sister; 

Seth: Appointed (to replace Able); he walked with God. With Abel dead and Cain exiled, there was no male to continue the blood line to Jesus. Adam and Eve generated a second line of descent when they begat Seth. He selected a human wife rather than one with Nephilim blood lines.  

Enos: Mortal, miserable, frail, human. 

Kenan: Sorrow, dirge. 

Mahalalel: Blessed, praise. 

Jared: Shall come down (This may be a reference to heavenly beings or Jesus’ return). 

Enoch: Teaching, first of four generations of preachers. He received a prophecy that the flood of Noah would be withheld until the death of Methuselah. He named his son to reflect his prophecy. 

Methuselah: Walked with God. His death shall bring. His mother was Edna/Elna. 

Lamech: Skill and strength, arrogance and vengeance, despairing. Son of Methuselah. 

Noah: Rest or Comfort. 

Shem: Breath or character. He is the ancestor of all Semites. 

Ham: Hard worker, hot or warm, concerned with main importance. 

Japheth: Enlargement; his descendants occupied coastal lands of the Mediterranean Sea including Ionian Greeks. 

Awan means somebody. Cain’s wife. 

Zillah means shade. Lamech’ wife 

Adah means ornamental (having to do with beauty, advance, pass on or away. She was the mother of Jabal and Jubal. Wife of Lamech. 

Azura means sky blue. She was the daughter of Adam and Eve and the sister of Seth. 

Naaman was Tubal-Cain’s sister. This name was also used for males. For females it means beautiful, delightful, agreeable and sweet herbs. For males it means good man and delightful. 

Edna/Elna: Edna means pleasure; Elna means my God is Yahweh. 


This article gives a glimpse of the antediluvian world of the first seven generations of mankind. One of the first questions asked is who did Adam and Eve’s children marry? One of the explanations given is as follows: God created a perfect man and woman and placed them in a perfect environment. Because of these perfections, the children would have inherited the traits of their parents. And therefore, there would be no genetic problems. Cain married his sister, Awan. When there was an abundance of offspring, from Cain’s siblings, there would be a pool of cousins to intermarry. 

Lamech, Enoch, and Jubal are some of the names repeated in these prehistoric families. Names were chosen due to character, events, after friends, or family member, someone famous, just as we do today. I listed the fathers where there were duplicated names. Problems that persist are that some people have more than one name or the name is written differently in another language. 


Asimov, I. (1981). Asimov’s Guide to the Bible – the Old and New Testaments. NY, NY: Wings Books. 

Book of Enoch. (1922). Trans. By George H. Schodde from the Ethopic. Lld.UK: Designate Publisher 

Book of Jubilees. (2015). Trans. By George H. Schodde from the Ethiopic. Lld.UK: Andesite Publisher 

Byron, J. (2011). Cain and Able in Text and Tradition: Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the first Sibling Rivalry. Leiden: Brill. 

Delaney, D, K. (1996). The Seven-fold Vengeance of Cain: Gensis 4 in Early Jewish and Christain Interpretation. PhD Dissertation accepted May 1996 at University of Virginia 

Jones Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names. (1990). Grand Rapids MI: Kresge Publishers 

Koinia House Bible Institute. (2000). https.org/articles. Coeur ID 

New King James Study Bible (2018). Nashville TN. Thomas Nelson Bibles 

New Strong Exhaustive Concordance. (2003). Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson Bibles 

The Apologetics Study Bible: Christain Standard Bible. (2017). Ted Cabal, general editor. Nashville TN: Holman Bible Pub. 

Flavius, J. (CE 93). Antiquities of the Jews. Quoted in Delaney’s dissertation 1996. 

Stedman, Ray C, (1978). The Beginnings Word Books. Waco TX.  

Torah: The First Five Books of Moses. (1999). Jewish Publication Society 

What you may not Know about the Land of Nod and Cain

By Joan Berry Copyright 2023

It has been said that the Bible is like an onion, layer upon layer. The more we peel back those layers, the more we realize that there was more to a passage than we realized at the time. In this article, the example is the Land of Nod that is mentioned in the Book of Gensis and the name ‘Land of Nod’ is mentioned in the Bible only once. God exiled Cain to Nod because he killed his brother, Abel: ‘You shall be a vagabond,’ God said. The etymology of the word ‘nod’ comes from the word ‘nud’ meaning to wander or to move to and fro. 


The general consensus of biblical scholars is that Nod was not a place such as a settlement before Cain’s arrival; but a place for wandering fugitives, a wilderness, and apart from God. In Aramaic, Nod/Nud is used as a verb. The meaning of Nod depends on the circumstances. It could mean shaking of the head in sympathy, bemoan, wandering, remove, and to flee. Strong’s Hebrew Concordance lists the following references based on the meaning of Nod/Nud in different circumstances: Gensis 4:12. 4:14; I Kings 14:15; II Kings 21:8; Job 2:8, 42:11; Psalm 11:1, 36:11,  68:12, 69:20; Proverbs 3:2, 26:2, 21:20; Isiah 24:29, 51:19; Jeremiah 5:3, 24, 4:1, 15:5, 16:5, 18:15,16, 22:10, 31:18, 48:17, 18, 27, 49:30, 50:3, 8; Nahum 3:7; II Samuel 7:8, 15:25; I Chronicles 17:7; Exodus. 


  The Bible tells us about the eviction of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden for disobeying God. In their new abode, their first son, Cain, was born and later, Able, the second son. Cain followed his father into farming; Able became a shepherd. When the time came for a sacrifice to God, Able gave the first and best sheep from his flock. Cain gave “some” of his grain crop; a proper sacrifice at that time also included grain. When God refused Cain’s offering, he became very angry. The offering was not accepted because it was not the best of the crop – it was just “some of it.” Cain’s attitude toward his sacrifice was not respectful. Cain’s anger turned to jealousy that led to him to kill his brother. When God confronted Cain and gave him a chance to repent, Cain was arrogant. Then God exiled him to the Land of Nod as punishment. The account of Nod in Gensis places it east of Eden. God exiled Cain to a life of a vagabond that was Cain’s Nod [Separation from God in an infertile area. God told Cain his crops would not be fruitful as before his exile to Nod]. Today this general area is occupied by Bedouins.  

 We know Cain took his family with him because he fathered Enoch by his wife, Awan, who had a sister, Azura. They are recorded in the ancient Book of Jubilees. Historian Flavius Josephus (CE 93) recorded in his Antiquities of the Jews that Cain continued his wickedness.  

He resorted to violence and robbery, established weights and measures that transferred human innocence into craftiness and deceit. He also established property lines and built a fortified city. Cain’s name means possessor of a spear; Cain and Enosh are also known as human.  

Cain’s Children 

A genealogy from Adam to Noah is provided to help remove the name confusion. This list is in Gensis 6. Adam and Eve begat Able who was killed by Cain; Cain begat Enoch (not the one who was holy); Enoch begat Irad; Irad begat Methujael; and Methujael begat Methushael who begat Lamech; Lamech begat Jabal and Jubal; Jubal begat Jubal who had two wives and the first one to have more than one wife. By Adah he begat brothers Jabal and Jubal; by Zillah, he begat Tubal-Cain and Naaman. Adam and Eve generated a second line of descent when they begat Seth who begat Enos. Enos begat Kenan (Cainin); Kenan begat Mahalalel; Mahalalel begat Jared; Jared begat Enoch who wrote the Book of Enoch; Enoch begat Methuselah; Methuselah begat Lamech; Lamech begat Noah who begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. With the arrival of Noah, the flood, and the destruction of the Earth, prehistoric humans had run their course. 

Name meaning (Often named according to character) 

Enoch: The first son born to Cain and Awan. His name means disciplined one; 

Irad: The fugitive and wild ass;  

Methujael: He wanted to blot out the name of God and wanted to bring God down to the level of man;  

Methushael: They died who are of God, meaning they could be their own god and not die;  

 Lamech: (son of Methushael:) Skill and strength, arrogance, vengeance and boastfulness. “I killed a man,” he boasted to his wives.  Furthermore, he planned to magnify vengeance by himself, and he would take vengeance on anyone who attacked him. Other meanings to this Lamech were made low unto bringing low; 

Jabal and Jubal were brothers: Jabal means a river flows forth. Jubal means to bring forth. Both names are related to the word jubilee. Jabal was the progenitor of tent dwellers and herders. Jubal was the progenitor of all who played the flute and the long flute; 

Tubal-Cain: He was a smith and progenitor of every artisan who makes copper and iron tools, and he is generally known as the father of metallurgy; 

Naaman: She was Tubal-Cains’ sister; 

Seth: Appointed (to replace Able); he walked with God. With Abel dead and Cain exiled, there was no male to continue the blood line to Jesus. Adam and Eve generated a second line of descent when they begat Seth. He selected a human wife rather than one with Nephilim blood lines.  

Enos: Mortal, miserable, frail, human. 

Kenan: Sorrow, dirge. 

Mahalalel: Blessed, praise. 

Jared: Shall come down (This may be a reference to heavenly beings or Jesus’ return). 

Enoch: Teaching, first of four generations of preachers. He received a prophecy that the flood of Noah would be withheld until the death of Methuselah. He named his son to reflect his prophecy. 

Methuselah: Walked with God. His death shall bring. His mother was Edna/Elna. 

Lamech: Skill and strength, arrogance and vengeance, despairing. Son of Methuselah. 

Noah: Rest or Comfort. 

Shem: Breath or character. He is the ancestor of all Semites. 

Ham: Hard worker, hot or warm, concerned with main importance. 

Japheth: Enlargement; his descendants occupied coastal lands of the Mediterranean Sea including Ionian Greeks. 

Awan means somebody. Cain’s wife. 

Zillah means shade. Lamech’ wife 

Adah means ornamental (having to do with beauty, advance, pass on or away. She was the mother of Jabal and Jubal. Wife of Lamech. 

Azura means sky blue. She was the daughter of Adam and Eve and the sister of Seth. 

Naaman was Tubal-Cain’s sister. This name was also used for males. For females it means beautiful, delightful, agreeable and sweet herbs. For males it means good man and delightful. 

Edna/Elna: Edna means pleasure; Elna means my God is Yahweh. 


This article gives a glimpse of the antediluvian world of the first seven generations of mankind. One of the first questions asked is who did Adam and Eve’s children marry? One of the explanations given is as follows: God created a perfect man and woman and placed them in a perfect environment. Because of these perfections, the children would have inherited the traits of their parents. And therefore, there would be no genetic problems. Cain married his sister, Awan. When there was an abundance of offspring, from Cain’s siblings, there would be a pool of cousins to intermarry. 

Lamech, Enoch, and Jubal are some of the names repeated in these prehistoric families. Names were chosen due to character, events, after friends, or family member, someone famous, just as we do today. I listed the fathers where there were duplicated names. Problems that persist are that some people have more than one name or the name is written differently in another language. 


Asimov, I. (1981). Asimov’s Guide to the Bible – the Old and New Testaments. NY, NY: Wings Books. 

Book of Enoch. (1922). Trans. By George H. Schodde from the Ethopic. Lld.UK: Andesite Publisher 

Book of Jubilees. (2015). Trans. By George H. Schodde from the Ethiopic. Lld.UK: Andesite Publisher 

Byron, J. (2011). Cain and Able in Text and Tradition: Jewish and Christain Interpretation of the first Sibling Rivalry. Leiden: Brill. 

Delaney, D, K. (1996). The Seven-fold Vengeance of Cain: Gensis 4 in Early Jewish and Christain Interpretation. PhD Dissertation accepted May 1996 at University of Virginia 

Jones Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names. (1990). Grand Rapids MI: Kregel Publishers 

Koinia House Bible Institute. (2000). https.org/articles. Coeur ID 

New King James Study Bible (2018). Nashville TN. Thomas Nelson Bibles 

New Strong Exhaustive Concordance. (2003). Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson Bibles 

The Apologetics Study Bible: Christain Standard Bible. (2017). Ted Cabal, general editor. Nashville TN: Holman Bible Pub. 

Flavius, J. (CE 93). Antiquities of the Jews. Quoted in Delaney’s dissertation 1996. 

Stedman, Ray C, (1978). The Beginnings Word Books. Waco TX.  

Torah: The First Five Books of Moses. (1999). Jewish Publication Society 

What You May Not Know About the Soul and Spirit

Copyright 2024 by Joan Berry


The following essay is brief, but informative paper to discuss the difference between soul and spirit, false teachings, and the doctrine of the Trinity. To some, the subjects are unfathomable, and to others, they are at best confusing. By much study of the Bible and prayer, theologians such as Grudem, Mcgrath, and others have helped us, who are in Christ, gain a better understanding. One thing that confuses us is false teaching. Just about the time you and your spirit connect and you begin to ‘get’ it, someone who has his/her own opinion without any Bible study or commitment to the Savior, tries to plant the seed of unbelief. This paper will begin with the four most common fallacies about soul and spirit so the reader can compare them with the Word of God. The sources for this paper are Bibles, Systematic Theology, Torah, and Apologetics listed in the Bibliography.


Fallacy1. A human is a spirit with a body wrapped around it.

Fallacy 2, Soul sleep.

Fallacy 3. Praying for the dead. 

Fallacy 4. Spirit and soul are the same thing.

Fallacy 1

Following are verses that tell us that we are created in the image of God therefore, we are made with a spirit and a soul as well. That we are a “Spirit” is not a biblical teaching. However, we are a soul.

God created mankind in His image and we know that God is Spirit. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and truth.” (John 4.24).

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

So God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1.26-27).

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5.23).

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4.12).

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. (I Corinthians 2.14).

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. (Romans 8.16).

Our lives are in the hands of God and when that time comes to be with God, our mortality is over, ”. . .and the dust returns to the ground and the Spirit returns to God who gave it.” (Ecc. 12.7). 

Fallacy 2: Soul Sleep

Soul sleeping is another fallacy that is not a biblical teaching. In the following biblical verses, you will learn that at death the soul goes directly to God. ‘Presence’ with God means just that–not being elsewhere. Sleep/sleeping are normally synonyms for death. However, in some portions of the Scriptures, those words are interchangeable. (Example: Ecc. 12.7. and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it). The words soul and spirit are also interchangeable in other scriptures.

When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been. 

We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. (II Cor. 5.8).

I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far. ( Philippians 1.23).

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me paradise.” (Luke 23.29).

Fallacy 3: Praying for the dead

Praying for the dead in Christ is not a biblical teaching. At death, the soul returns to God who gave it to us. (Matt. 10.28). Those in Christ are already with God.

Fallacy 4: Spirit and soul are the same thing

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5.23). From the beginning, as recorded in Genesis 1.26-27, God created humans in His image. As we have an almighty God, it stands to reason that we, too, are composed of body, soul, and spirit. God breathed the breath of life into man and he became a living being — a soul. 

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matt. 10.28).

 “Hearing the word ‘soul’ clearly must refer to that part of the person that exists after death” (Grudem 1994). Here, we are told that the soul is eternal. Once the soul is created, it never ceases to exist. Humans have a spirit but at its core is a soul. The soul is who we are, the essence of our humanity (Grudem 1994). People are referred to as souls in the Scriptures: Exodus 31.14, Proverbs 11.30, and Psalms 16. 9-10, Ezekiel 18.4, 1 Peter 1.22 and 2.25, Acts 2.41, and Rev. 18.13.

The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live. (Deuteronomy 30:6). 

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you (James 1:21).

We, as humans, have a sinful nature and our souls are not without sin. We know our soul needs atonement (Lev. 17.11). It is the soul that needs to be purified and protected by the truth and the Holy Spirit. Although the soul is eternal, we can lose it, The soul has two destinations — heaven or hell forever. At death, the soul is removed. Those souls who are in Christ go to be with Him and are saved. Those souls who rejected God go to hell and are forever lost from God. Only believers in Christ, according to Scriptures, are to be spiritually active; unbelievers are said to be spiritually dead. There will come a time when our spirits will temporarily be apart from our physical bodies (Grudem 1994).

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. (1 Cor. 2.4). 

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

(Romans 8:16).

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”(John 4:24).

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12).

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your Matthews (22:37). 

The Spirit and Soul are two important immortal facets of humanity and work together with the Spirit of God in ways that we cannot understand yet (John 4.13), Romans, 8.16), and then we are led by God’s Spirit instead of our own to obtain eternal life in Heaven (GotQuestions Ministries). It is our Spirit that gives us self consciousness, emotions, ability to understand, and the ability to connect and have a relationship with God (Hebrews 4.12, John 4.24). 

Doctrine of the Trinity

 As yet, there is no exact explanation to explain our triune God. We do know that God is co-existent and co-eternal. The diagram below, courtesy of GotQuestions Ministries, is one explanation.

Or The Lord our God is one Lord; or The Lord is our God, the Lord is one; or The Lord is our God, the Lord alone Deuteronomy (6:4). 

So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.”(1 Corinthians 8:4).

 A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one (Galatians 3:20).

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, (1 Timothy 2.5).

Below is the best symbol for the Trinity we are aware of (GotQuestions.org),

In Conclusion

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed, these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping (2 Peter 2


All Bible Verses used are from Life Application Study Bible NIV(2005) and BibleGateway.org

 BibleGateway.org ( 2008). HarperCollins Christian Publisher,  https:/www.biblegateway.com/login/

Got Questions Ministries. (2002-2024). https://www.gotquestions.org/.

Grudem, Wayne. (1994). Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine: Grand Rapids  MI. Zondervan Publisher.

Life Application Study Bible NIV(2005) New International Version: Grand Rapids MI

Tyndale House Publisher and Zondervan.

New King James Version Study Bible (2nd Edition). Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R.  H., Hause, H. W., Editors: Nashville TN. Thomas Nelson.

The Torah: A Modern Commentary. (2005, 2006). W. Gunther Plaut, General Editor: New York NY. Union for Reform Judaism.

The Apologetics study Bible: Christian Standard Bible (2017). Ted Cabol, General Editor.             Nashville TN: Harmon Bible

 The Women of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 2024 Joan Berry


The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ seems mysterious on the surface. However, the Bible

interprets its self. Remember, the symbols reflect the era in which the Apostle John lived. Many of the symbolic features are found in the Old Testament. The people of John’s lifetime would have understood much of the meanings in John’s visions. In this paper, the focus is on the three women who appear in the book: Jezebel; the woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of stars on her head; and the Harlot of Babylon. To make for easier reading, Scriptures used are listed in Bibliography B for each section. All scriptures are primarily from The Apologetics Study Bible, Life Application Study Bible NIV, and New King James Version Study Bible. Blessing to all in the name of Jesus.


Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab of Israel and the daughter of Sidon (sinful city), and it was she who brought the worship of Baal to Israel. She killed the prophets and threatened to kill Elijah. Military Captain Jehu, on the orders of Elijah, killed Jezebel by throwing her off a balcony. Her name is widely used as a label for unholy, evil, sinful people. Miltary Captain Jehu later became king of Israel. We learn in the Letter to the Laodician church that it was active in love, faith, and service until Jezebel co-opted it. Jesus tells the church that He is against it for its false prophets misleading the members into sexual immorality, and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. (Apologetics 2017).

Jesus further reminds the church that He gave them a chance to repent but, it did not. Here, Jesus reveals that Jezebel is an apostate church and that the offspring of Jezebel will suffer the same second death and will be cast into the lake of fire. He further states that He will cast her on a bed of suffering and that He would make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely unless they repent. Jesus continues, “I will strike her children dead. Then all churches will know that I am He who searches hearts and minds and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.”(Rev. 2.23). To the others who did not follow Jezbel’s teachings, Jesus promised to not put any other burden on them. “Hold on,” He says, “to what you have until I come.” (Rev.2:24). “To him that overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations and he will rule over them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery—just as I have received authority from my father. I will also give him the Morning Star.” (Rev 2:26-28). [Jesus is the Morning Star. He is giving Himself.]

The Woman Clothed with the Sun, with the Moon Under Her Feet, and a Crown of Twelve Stars on her Head

In Genesis, this woman appears in a dream that Joseph, son of Jacob, has of a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. [This woman appears again in the Revelation 12]. Jacob interprets the dream as the sun representing himself; the moon representing Rachael, his wife; and the crown of twelve stars being the twelve tribes. He sees the dream as the foreshadowing of a nation to come (Duck 1998). According to Harper’s Dictionary of the Bible (1973), “Historians see Jacob who was renamed Israel as the personification of a national Israel.” (Gen. 32.28; 35.10).

When this woman appears in Revelation 12, she is pregnant with a male child and suffering the pain of childbirth. “The woman , then, has to symbolize Israel because Christ was born of the seed of Israel.” (Hinson nd). The Roman Empire had subjugated the country and enforced all thing Roman on its captives. That she was in travail was an apt description of the woman’s (Israel’s) condition. (Duck 1998). Satan, in the personification of a huge red dragon, is waiting to kill the child (Jesus) but fails in this first attempt. Revelation 12.5 “She gave birth to a son, to a male child, who will rule all nations with an iron scepter and her child was snatched up to God to His throne,” This is a reference to the resurrection of Jesus, (Duck 1998).

According to Duck’s interpretation (1998), midway of the Tribulation, the woman will flee to the mountains where God has prepared a place of safety for her, It is suggested that the place of safety might be the deserted ancient city of Petra where many caves exist and there is only one way in or out of the city, all the better for defense. (Duck 1998). Rev. 12.6 “The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared by God where she might be taken care of for 1260 days,”

The Harlot of Babylon

The 17th through the 18h chapters of Revelation go into great detail about the Harlot of Babylon. Bear in mind that “the title was written on her forehead Mystery Babylon the Great is the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth.” (Rev 17.5). She came from Babylon as did Jezebel with the same relationship with the sinners of the Laodician church. The source of Babylon began with Nimrod, world dictator in the Old Testament era, It was he who wanted to build the tower that would reach heaven. While the tower could not reach heaven, it was used for the observance of the stars and heavenly bodies that led to modern times including the killing of thousands of Christians: “Babylon is a place of demons and unclean spirits.” (Rev 18.2-3).

Babylon is a person and a city at the same time and who has daughters (false religions) to carry on her unholy work. Duck (1998) lists some of her daughters as New Age, Satan Worship, Mother Earth Worship, Globalism, Hinduism, and Islamism. In John’s vision, the angel who had the seven bowls invited him to view the punishment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters (masses of people) that include many nations, people, and organizations. To have authority over so many suggests that she has their approval. “The political roots of ecumenism, the united world church, are in Rome; the spiritual roots go back to Babylon.” (Frescoes 1996).

The concept of a global new world religion of peace and cooperation is not new because the effort was proposed and acted upon since 1948 when the World Council of Churches was formed. Current information states that there are 2022 members, 352 churches, in 120 countries. Some church endorsements have come from church leaders such as Pope Paul II, the Dali Lama, and of course the World Council of Churches. The council is organized much like the United Nations. Pope Paul II also called for nations to stop opposition to a world government. (Jeffery 2001). This is also known as the New World Order. In 1998, Hal Lindsey said that he expected to see more mergers between denominations and more emphasis on ecumenism. Hinson (nd) places Babylon’s New World Order to take place in the final phases of the Tribulation.

Returning now to John’s vision, an angel carries him in spirit to a desert where he sees a woman sitting on a scarlet beast (Antichrist) covered with blasphemous names and has seven heads (kings) and ten horns (kingdoms). (Rel 17.3). She is dressed in the royal colors of purple and scarlet and wearing accessories of gold, precious stones, and pearls. In showing off her wealth, indicates she is seeking attention and appeal. In addition, she is holding a golden cup full of abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. John also sees . . . “that the woman was drunk with the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus . . . ” (Rev 17.6). The Harlot of Babylon and the Great Ecumenical System will persecute and kill Christians during the Tribulation. However, John tells us that the beast (Antichrist) and the ten horns (puppet kings) will turn on Babylon and kill her and her deceived followers. Hal Lindsey (nd) comments: “I have found this about religion, the more a false religion is the more wealth it has. And a true religion usually has less material and does not care about it.”

  Rebuilding Babylon

 Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi ruler, undertook a significant reconstruction project at the ancient city of Babylon. During the 1980s, as Iraq was engaged in a long and drawn-out war with Iran, Saddam Hussein decided to rebuild Babylon as a tribute to himself. The reconstruction included the construction of a palace, defensive walls, and even a brick maze. Saddam saw himself as a modern reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, the historical Babylonian ruler, and wanted every Iraqi to know that he had rebuilt Babylon. The ruins of Babylon, also known as Babel, date back over 3,000 years and hold immense historical and cultural significance. It’s fascinating how this ancient city has been shaped by different rulers throughout history! (Caldwell 2027), [The bricks have Hussein’s face on them,. Several attempts have been made to restore the Tower of Babel, but none have succeeded. There was enough left of the ruins at one time to find that it had a square base, only now all that exisrs is a big hole of water].

A Stone Tablet was found that portrays a drawing of the Tower of Bablel and the architect

This tablet, for the first time, gives us a contemporary illustration of the tower; along with an inscription giving us an account of Nebuchadnezzar II’s building plans and the restoration process.The Schøyen Collection has documented the translation of the inscription on the tablet, noting that it contains a helpful caption identifying the caption as:




The inscription goes on to describe the restoration process:


Courtesy of Aletia.org

Bibliography A

Caldwell, Zelda (2017). Aletia.org

Duck, Raymond R. (1998). Revelation: God’s Word for the Biblically Inept. Lancaster PA:             Starburst Publishers. Contributing authors: Jack Van Impe, Hal Linsey, John Hagee,             Grant J Jeffrey.

Dyer, Charles H. (nd). World News and Bible Prophecy. p. 90.

Froese, A, (1996). News from Israel. p. 8.

Hagee, John. (nd). Beginning of the End. p. 171.

Harper’s Bible Dictionary (1973). p. 229.

 Jeremiah, D. with Carlson, D. D. in Revelation God’s Word for the Biblically Inept. (1998).

 Hinson, Ed. (nd). Final Signs. p. 21.

 Life Application Study Bible NIV. (2005). Carol Stream IL: Tindale House and Zimmerman             Grand Rapids MI Co-Publishers.

New King James Version Study Bible. (2007). Editors: Allen,Ronald H., House, Wayne H.             Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson Publisher.

Pesha, M. (2019). Inside the Abandoned Babylon that Saddam Hussein Built. https://www.atla            sobscura.com/articles/babylon-iraq-saddam-hussein.

The Apologetics Study Bible: Christian Standard Bible. (2017). General editor Ted Cabal.             Nashville TN: Holman Bible Publisher.

Bibliography B


Rev. 2:20-28

I Kings 16:31-33; 18:4, 13; 19:1-2

II Kings 2:21

The Woman Clothed with the Sun, with the Moon

Under Her Feet, and a Crown on her Head

Genesis 30.22-24; 32.28; 35.10; 37.3-4; 37.9-11;

Revelation 12

The Harlot of Babylon

Revelation 17. 1, 2, 5, 15,16; 18. 2