Witnessing Using the Roman Road

Compiled by Joan Berry Ed. E., MA Christian Studies

Sometimes our enthusiasm overcomes our common sense when we are trying to introduce someone to salvation through Jesus Christ. After years of working in the home mission outreach of my church, I learned that the best response came through using the Roman Road. I believe that the first words out of the witness’ mouth should not be: “You are going to hell if you don’t do this or that.” To me, this sounds accusatory and off-putting. Jesus engaged his listeners in how to attain heaven and eternal life so they could avoid going to hell — a more positive approach. The Roman Road to Salvation is a simple yet powerful method of explaining the good news of salvation using verses from the Book of Romans.

 The key verses in order of use: Romans 3.23, 6.23, 5.8, 10.9, 10.13, and 5.1.

Reading Roman Road to Salvation

The Human Problem – Sin:

· Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. ”This verse emphasizes that all people have sinned and fall short of God’s glorious standard.

The Consequence of Sin:

Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” This highlights the consequences of sin (death) and introduces the solution (eternal life through Jesus Christ).

The Solution – Christ’s Sacrifice:

Romans 5:8: “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Despite our sins, God demonstrated His love through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, who died in our place.

The Response – Faith:

Romans 10:9: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Salvation is received through faith in Jesus Christ—by confessing Him as Lord and believing in His resurrection.

The Assurance of Salvation:

Romans 10:13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” This verse assures us that anyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ for salvation will be saved.

The Result of Salvation – Peace with God:

· Romans 5:1: “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are justified and have peace with God, signifying a restored relationship with Him.

 Suggested Ways to Share the Roman Road

Sharing the Roman Road to Salvation effectively involves both clarity and empathy. Here are some tips:

Understand Your Audience:

Consider who you’re sharing with. Are they familiar with Christianity or the Bible? Adjust your approach accordingly.

Start with Common Ground:

Begin by discussing shared beliefs or experiences. For example, mention our universal need for forgiveness or the desire for purpose in life.

Use Relatable Language:

Avoid jargon or complex theological terms. Explain concepts in simple, relatable terms Instead of saying “justification,” say, “being made right with God.”

Tell Your Story: Share how these verses impacted your life. Personal stories resonate with others.

Be Respectful and Non-Judgmental:Approach conversations with love and respect. Avoid a confrontational tone. Remember that salvation is a gift, not something earned.

Invite Questions and Conversation: Ask if they have any thoughts or questions. Be open to discussing doubts or concerns.

Use Visual Aids:

Create a simple visual (e.g., a bookmark or infographic) with the verses. Share it digitally or in person.

Pray for Guidance:

Before sharing, pray for wisdom and sensitivity. Trust that God will work through your words.

Remember, the goal is not just to convey information, but to lead others toward a personal relationship with Jesus.


The Ancient Past, War of 1967, and the Present War with the Israeli/Palestinian-Hamas.

This article/excerpt is about the past, War of 1967, and the present war with the Israeli/Palestinian-Hamas. They (Isaac and Ishmael) had a common ancestor, Abraham, and shared many cultural traditions and worshiped the same God using different names, Jehovah and Allah. “the angel of the Lord said to Hagar (Genesis 16 verse 12) “and he, Ishmael, will be a wild man, his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren.” We see the final fulfillment of this prophecy in many of the Islamic Arab people of today.

Following is an excerpt from David Rosenthal’s article in the March-April 2024 issue of Zion’s Fire. (Available online and print. Great source for biblical research). Great Read for all.

 “But what of the claims that the Palestinians are only asking for the restoration of their ancient homeland and possession of a highly sacred religious site? It is of great interest to know that before the 1967 Arab Israeli-War, there was no Interest to note that before 1967 Arab Israeli war there was no serious push or demand, serious push, or demand for a Palestinian homeland. Some might object by saying that the 6-Day War gave control of a major portion of the “Palestinian land” to the Israelis -and that prior to the war the Palestinians were in possession of their land, and had no need to raise a furor.

“However, the Israelis did not take this land from the late Palestinian chairman Yasser Arafat. They captured the territory from the Jordanians in a war that they did not want and were forced to fight for national survival. From before the war the people who now identify themselves as Palestinians lived in Jordanian territory, not “Palestinian land.” Consequently, they did not develop a nationalistic pro-Palestinian fervor until after the war and the land was in the hands of the Israelis.

“The first time the name Palestine was used for this land area was in AD 135 after Rome defeated the Jews and destroyed Jerusalem, they wanted to erase even the memory of Israel. They renamed it ‘Syria Palestinian’ which means Land of the Philistines.’ The ancient Philistines occupied a small strip of land on the southwest coast of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea. They were a constant thorn in the side of the Jews, but they never controlled more than a tiny portion of the land eventually they were conquered by King David.

 “The so-called Palestinians of today are not descendants of the ancient Palestinians. Neither are they of Canaanite descent. The land of Canaan never existed as Palestine or as an autonomous or as an entity. This land –between the river and the Sea—has been ruled over by the Israelis, Romans, Muslims Caliphs, Christian Crusaders, Ottoman Turks, and the British. There has never been a nation of Palestine with a Palestine government in any period of history. In fact there is no Palestinian language, no distinct Palestine culture, no distinguishing characteristics. Palestinians are Arabs and no different from Jordanians, Iraqis, Saudis, or any other Arab people.”

[This is an excerpt from The Qatar Connection: Hamas, College Campus Protests, and the Muslim Brotherhood by David Rosenthal’s article in the March-April 2024 issue of Zion’s Fire. (Available online and print. Great source for biblical research). Great Read for all.