Subjective and
Non-Subjective Approaches Expression
Poetic truths exist on a different
level than ordinary facts. It is a way of thinking that goes beyond the literal,
straight forward approach. Example: My peach tree is in bloom, it is 20 feet
high, and stands 30 feet from my house. This is factual and non-subjective.
Poetry is mostly subjective in its truth and I will try to show that with this
example following up with the same peach tree (please excuse my poor poetry; I
am just trying to prove a point).
Peach Tree in Bloom
The sweet fragrance of its baby-pink blossoms —
God’s natural perfume — wafting on the breeze
As it tickles bright new leaves and flowers- to- be fruit
As one would tickle a
child – in gently playful joy
I inhale deeply and envision peaches
Like a gift from God to me in my little Eden.
The subjective helps us to grasp
the true nature of things and better contact with reality. It paints a picture
in the mind. Metaphors are usually the best element for defining poetry as they
point to the truth by comparison to the reader. Emotion plays a part in poetry
and usually sticks in your mind with its truth of the situation.
Three psalms that begin with the words, “The Lord is my . . .” will be discussed in this essay. David is the author of all three in which he uses metaphors to describe God as his deliverer and savior, the trust he has in God, and the faith he has in Him. The three psalms to be discussed are Psalms 18:2; 23rd; 27th and I will comment on the things of which God is compared.
Psalm 18:2 NKJV: This psalm entitled “God the Sovereign Savior” was written by David in celebration and gratitude of God’s grace for his deliverance and victory (NIV). David used military terms in his praises of God. David saw God as a rock that could not be moved by those who wished him harm and God as a mountain fortress that protected the believers, and was a place of safety. His use of strength and stronghold served to buttress his image of the Lord. God was seen as a shield that was between David and his enemies. The horn of salvation represented might and power and further emphasized the image of God (NKJV). This picture of a mighty God as protector and Savior could easily be extended to us because He is all of that for us.
Twenty-third Psalm: “The Lord the Shepherd of His People,” was written by David to show his trust in God. He wrote from his own experience as a shepherd in his youth. Concerning the metaphor of followers (as sheep of Jesus’ flock), sheep will not lie down as long as they are disturbed about something and they are afraid of fast-running streams (NKJV). Only the shepherd (God/Jesus) can settle them down in a quiet and loving voice. Only He can lead them to the green pastures and still waters. Extending the metaphor to Christians, only He can restore our souls. God will be with us as we travel the Valley of the Shadow of Death (fear) in our time of troubles. His table and cup represent God’s provision for us. Goodness and mercy represent God/s love for us. The House of God is the land of promise (Heaven). It was the custom in David’s time to anoint guests with olive oil at meals which was part of the ritual of keeping guests safe from enemies. God can be seen as bringing us into His house forever. David sees God as a caring shepherd and dependable guide (rod and staff) (NIV). This view of God’s loving care could be extended to cover us all.
Psalm 27 NKJV: “An Exuberant Declaration of Faith” is the name given to this psalm by David. Everyone has lived in fear and darkness at some time, but God brings the light and salvation. David wanted to be in the House of the Lord and His temple (the presence of the Lord). He sought the Lord’s guidance every day of his life and asked the Lord not to forsake him (NIV). He knew God had a pleasant nature and offered Him sacrifices of praise (joy). The Lord will keep him safe (in pavilion and tabernacle) David described his enemies as ravenous beasts who wanted to eat his flesh. He feared enemies might dissuade the righteous from seeking God, but he waited to know the presence of God in the land of the living (in his lifetime) and he waited on the Lord to hope in God, and wait for God’s timing and action.
God is compared to
mighty things such as rocks and fortresses to emphasize His strength and glory.
David speaks of His greatness as he praises Him in faith, trust, and
thanksgiving. The metaphors could be extended to include all Christ’s followers
in all era including today. The matters brought out by David exist yet today.
Understanding how to begin exegeting Hebrew poetry is helpful in learning about the forms, especially that of parallelism. It is the most common form used in the Bible and perhaps the easiest to understand. It is the foundation and common literary feature in Hebrew poetry in that two or more lines are connected in some way. The simple formula tell us that line A is the main reference, followed by line B that has something added to it; Line B emphasizes line A, and connects to it. The phrase, A plus B, boils down to mean that something has been added to line B making the whole more significant (Fields, 2008, p. 266). Do not let this explanation overwhelm you. Try to take the time to look up the provided references in the Bible and you will be able to understand the process, This is not an easy task, but worth the effort when you “get it.”
There are several kinds of parallelisms in Hebrew poetry which include: synonymous, nearly identical thoughts in both lines of a couplet (Ps. 49:1); contrastive (antithetic), line B is in contrast to line A (Pro. 15:1); synthetic (temporal), line B completes the thought of the line A (Pro. 4:23); synthetic (causal/climatic), proceeds by steps to a climax in thought (Ps. 103:1); comparative/complementary, line B forms a simile of the line A (Ps. 103:12); and progressive; a new and related thought is introduced in line B (Job 3:17) (Fields, 2008, p. 266; Merrill, 2008, p.218). Only the synonymous parallelism will be discussed in the essay and I will give an example of this parallelism device and explain how it is used.
formula: “A plus B,” shows how B makes a connection to A. In a general
parallelism, B is not a restatement, but additional information has been added
to emphasize A. Sometimes this is
accomplished by using a contrasting B clause.
Following is an example of a general parallelism:
A: “With God we will gain victory,
B. and He will trample down our
enemies” (Psalm 60:12 NIV).
base (or reference point) is always line A. We can see in line A that God will
be responsible for the victory. In line B, we see how this will come about — He
will trample them. The relationship is logical and connective. God is a proper
noun in the line A, and corresponds to that with He in line B. The relationship
can also come about in either order with cause-effect or effect cause. Either
way, line B needs to emphasize line A, the reference point (Fields, 2008, p.
266). Understanding that “A plus B,” means that something has been added to
line B making the whole more connectively significant and makes the process of
exegeting easier to perform (Fields, 2008, p. 266).
Fields, L.M. (2008). Hebrew for the rest of us. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Application Study Bible (NIV). (2005). Carol Stream,
IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Merrill, E.H. (2008). An historical survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic
The prophet Micah, who spoke of impending judgments and promises of blessings to come on Israel and Judah, was born in Moresheth Gath located in Judah and was a contemporary of Isaiah in Jerusalem and Hosea in northern Judea (NKJV). He served God in capacity of prophet during the latter part of the eighth century (752-699 B.C.) throughout the governances of kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (NKJV). Micah faced the crisis of political and social upheavals and Assyrian invasions that began in in 730 B.C. and lasted until 701 B.C. His purpose was to warn God’s people, his original audience, under the condition that unless they repented and were pardoned, judgment was coming. Key areas involved in in Micah’s book were Samaria, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem (NIV). The main ideas discussed in this book are the indictment of injustice against the people, the throne of David to be filled by a Deliverer, and what God required of His people (Hill & Walton, 2009, p. 641). In this essay, the focus will be on Micah 5:1-5 (NIV) with a background summary up to chapter five, preceding the focused passage.
prophet opposed the social and moral deviations of the time – corrupt rulers,
and priests and false prophets who cried “Peace then there was none” (vs. 2-3; Merrill,
1991, p. 266). Regarding the priests, Solomon’s temple was in use and the
people would have been under the Mosaic Covenant at that time. Micah
prophesized that God’s coming judgment was to be against Samaria and Jerusalem because
the rulers and priests had turned to idolatry and cruel treatment of the poor
and women and children that broke the Covenant with God (Halley, 1962, p. 288).
In chapter six, Micah brings a lawsuit against them on behalf of God for
breaking the covenant. He proclaimed that God would punish them, but later
would restore them (Alexander & Alexander, 2009, pp. 498-499). What God
wanted from His people was “right behavior,” not manipulated rituals as the
proper response to God’s anger” (Hill & Walton, 2009, p. 641).
Micah wrote
his account as Hebrew poetry using parallelism, imagery, and figures of speech
and the intent of the poetry is both figurative and literal. The interpretation
is as follows:
Micah 5: 1-5 (NIV) — The Promise of a Deliverer
“1 Marshal your
troops now, city of troops,
for a siege is laid against us.
They will strike Israel’s ruler
on the cheek with a rod.”
Jerusalem would be attacked and destroyed by the Assyrians and the city’s king
could not prevent it (NIV). Some see the strike on the ruler as a future event
when Christ was stuck at the crucifixion trial (Mark 15: 16-20), and still
further in the future, Christ would strike back (Rev. 19).
2 “But
you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are small among the clans[b]
of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times.”
The prophet looked ahead to a time when Jerusalem will be the
religious center of the world and that Bethlehem in the district of Ephrathah would
be the birth place of the Messiah (the Deliverer of God’s people). This is said
to be the clearest prophecy of where the birth would occur (Alexander &
Alexander, 2009, pp. 498-499; Halley, 1962, p.289). A reminder of who the
Messiah will be is in the recognition of Him from ancient times, at the
Creation for example.
“3 Therefore
Israel will be abandoned
until the time when she who is in labor bears a son,
and the rest of his brothers return
to join the Israelites.”
verse two speaks of Christ’s birth – His first coming – verse three speaks of
His second coming and His time of rule. Zion is most likely a reference to “she
who is in labor.” The remnant are those never forgotten by God and will delight
in the coming of Christ (NIV).
“4 He
will stand and shepherd his flock
in the strength of the Lord,
in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
And they will live securely, for then his greatness
will reach to the ends of the earth.”
Christ will rule (Rev. 20: 4-6) and His brethren mentioned above are those who
believe in Him. He will be as David who obeyed God and placed his trust in Him.
His greatness will extend all over the earth and He will give eternal life to
His people, He will be the Good Shepherd (Painter, 2007).
“5 And
he will be our peace
when the Assyrians invade our land
and marches through our fortresses.
We will rise against them seven shepherds,
even eight leaders of men . . .”
the ruler, Christ will bring peace. This confirms that it will be Christ, not
the leaders who will bring the peace. Christ speaks of His peace in John 14:27.
The use of we and us implies His loyal people who will stand with Him to win
the battle. He will free them, defend them, and rule over their enemies. Micah
also predicted that the Assyrians would attack again. This came about in 612
B.C. and the enemy was defeated. The “seven
shepherds and eight leaders of men” is a figure of speech. Seven is a perfect
number and eight means they had more than enough to defeat the enemy (Painter,
2007; NIV).
Micah’s message from God could well apply to all nations in all times.
He faced the crisis of social and political unrest, the attacks from the
Assyrians, corruption in the temple and government. The people had returned to
idolatry and were treating the poor and women and children cruelly and in doing
so, they broke the covenant with God. Micah told the people they must repent
and be pardoned for the sins. He wrote his account in Hebrew poetry form in
parallelism, figures of speech, and imagery. Micah gives hope to the people
with the promise of a messiah and God’s restoration of their nation.
Alexander, D. & Alexander, P. (2009). Zondervan handbook to the Bible (4th ed.). Grand Rapids.
Halley, H.H. (1962). Halley’s Bible handbook: Billy Graham crusade edition (23 ed,). Minneapolis: MN: Grason Company.
Hill, A.E. & Walton, J. H. (2009). (3rd ed. ). A survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
application study Bible (NIV). (2005). Carol Stream,
IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Merrill, E.H. An historical survey of the Old Testament (2nd ed.). (1991). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic
New King James study
Bible (NKJV 2nd ed.). (2007). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Painter, L. (2007). Micah speaks a message from God to all the nations. Retrieved from
To more fully understand the story of Noah, it is pertinent to view the lineage and his connection to Enoch, his great-grandfather. Enoch ruled over the City of Enoch that was founded by Cainin. Enoch was also a prophet of God, scribe, and the seventh generation from Adam. Enoch recorded that God sent angels and Watchers to ensure safety and as helpers for His people. The account of the angels and Watchers is presented in a separate paper available at this site.
created ca. 3815 BCE
Seth born
3685 BCE
Enos born
3580 BCE
[Cainin] born 3490 BCE
born 3420 BCE
Jared born
3355 BCE
Enoch born
3193 BCE
born 3128 BCE [lived 969 years]
Lamech born
2941 BCE
Noah born
2759 BCE
Prior to
the flood, people had long life spans as recorded in Genesis 5. Days were from
sunup to sundown. A year was measured as Earth’s rotation around the sun just
as it does today. Adam lived 930 years and Noah was born ten generations later;
20 years after Adam died. From Adam to Noah was a span of 1056 years. Noah was
500 years old when God called him to build the huge vessel. Traditionally,
there is 369 years between the death of Noah and the birth of Moses. Moses is
credited with compiling the Book of Genesis; most of which came from the
writings of Enoch.
The Midrash Tanchuma states that before Noah
[Noach] was born, God cursed the ground for Adam’s sake: “…with toil shall you
eat of it all the days of your life.”
When Adam asked God how much longer the curse would last, God responded,
“…Until a person is born circumcised” When Lamech saw that his son was born
circumcised, he said …”this one will bring about our consolation.” It is
assumed that Noah studied the Torah because
he knew that he was to take seven kosher animals and birds into the
vessel along with non-kosher animals and birds two-by-two [male and
female]. The Midrash Tanchuma also states that Noah passed away after the flood
and after he saw the world was settled with 70 nations descended from him.
The Birth of Noah
Lamech was
not only surprised by his son’s prenatal circumcision but in addition he was
born with white skin (white as snow) and red as a rose [newborns often have red
areas]; his hair was long and white as wool and his eyes were beautiful and
full of light. His fingers were not webbed as well [earlier humans had webbed
fingers]. Upon his birth, the child immediately spoke to the Lord. Lamech
thought that his son looked like the offspring of angels and thought his wife
had been unfaithful. Lamech went to his father, Methuselah, to discuss the
matter. Methuselah in turn went to his father, Enoch, to inform him of this
unusual event.
In the Book of Enoch sections
106.13-14-16, Enoch tells Methuselah that the child is Lamech’s and he is to
name him Noah [connected to the Hebrew word for comfort]. Enoch further tells
Methuselah that the Lord would do new things on Earth and that he had seen
those things in a vision and those that he, Enoch, had revealed to him
[Methuselah]. Enoch also tells his son that Noah, his wife, his three sons and
their wives would be saved from the coming of the Great Flood.
The Torah and the Bible say
that God walked with Noah and when Noah was 500 years old, God called him to
build the ark. The Book of Noah relates that God further tells him that the
angels were in the process of building the wooden structure and when it was
finished, He [God] would put His hand on it and keep it safe. He would also
make a change so no dry land would remain empty.
Immediately before the departure of Noah and his family to board the ark, Noah relates to Lamech that the Earth is shaken and has tilted and hot springs are running cold. Professor Charles Hapgood determined that the North Pole shifted from the area of Hudson Bay [an inland seaindenting east-central Canada] to its present position. He posits that when the poles shifted a huge ice melt occurred and supported the Great Flood. Hapgood is known for his works on crustal shifts. Albert Einstein corresponded with Hapgood about pole shifts, supported the theory, helped with the study, and wrote the foreword to Earth’s Shifting Crust.”
“Just because the
Earth is massive, this does not mean it cannot flip very quickly. The Earth is
spinning, like a top, and in a zero g, and zero friction environment, it
doesn’t take much more than a
gradual buildup of an opposed magnetic field, to change that top from positive
stability to negative stability, until eventually, some minor perturbation
triggers the rapid switch, whereby the top wobbles, and then inverts, resuming
positive stability, even whilst it retains its angular momentum. A little force
is all it takes to persuade a spinning top that it is better spinning the other
way up. Every 12,000 years the polarity of the ambient magnetic field (about
the Earth) inverts.”
White, Black, and Red
Consensus among many
anthropologists is that all early mankind had black skin [shades of brown were
included in this category]. White skin was unusual and sometimes considered to
be albino. Noah was not an albino. Red skin came as a combination of the
colors. Due to intermarriages, they posit, skins began changing to various
colors as well as eye color. Biblical scholars/anthropologists in tracing the
genealogy of biblical families report that Abraham was black and had two black
wives and then Sarah who was white. Moses married a black woman in Cush
[Ethiopia/political]; Joseph married an Egyptian; sons of Jacob married
Canaanite women of various colors. From these intermarriages,
scholars/anthropologists say that we now have many skin and eye colors. Jesus
is described as having skin the color of burnished brass [Revelation, Letter to
Also Prior to the
Great Flood
Sacrifices were made to God before the Great Flood and this rite was continued by Noah following the flood. Some of the occupations included farming (Cain); shepherds (Abel); musicians (Jubal); metal works (Tubal-cain); they ate and drank and married. There was one city known (City of Enoch founded by Cain) but there may have been more. In Genesis 6, Nephilim are mentioned and described as being mighty men who were old men of renown. A very good description of these people can be found in the Book of Enoch. There are also mentioned angels fallen angels, Watchers, and human-angel hybrids. Wickedness and violence within humanity began early such as Cain killing Abel, Lamech also killed. Noah was the exception because he walked with God.
The Flood
For 40 days, the flood was upon the Earth; the
water rose 15 cubits above the highest mountain. The water covered the Earth
for 150 days and then the rain ceased and the springs of the deep closed and
the water began to recede. In the seventh month on the seventeenth day, the ark
came to rest atop Mount Ararat. The water continued to ebb away until the first
day of the tenth month when mountain peaks could be seen. Forty days later,
Noah opened the window and sent out a raven that did not return. [Ravens eat
carrion and no doubt found much of it in the water]. He then sent out a dove,
but it found no perch and returned. Noah waited another seven days and sent the
dove out again. The dove returned, but this time it had an olive tree twig in
its beak. After another seven days, the dove once again was sent out, but it
did not return this time. In Noah’s 601 year, on the first day of the first
month, the water had receded from the Earth. By the27th day of the second
month, the Earth had dried up. The event had lasted 364 days. Noah then built
an altar and offered up burnt offerings to God and God was well pleased.
After the Flood
God placed all of Earth’s creatures in the care of Noah and his sons. And then God made a covenant with Noah to never destroy the Earth with water again. He set a rainbow in the clouds as a sign of the covenant and now a reembrace for us.
After the flood, God told Noah and his family to venture out to repopulate the world. Noah and his wife settled near where the ark landed on the Mount of Ararat. He lived 350 years after the flood.
Shem lived 600 years and inherited
the Promised Land displacing the descendants of Ham. Shem had five sons and he
is the ancestor of all Semites. Twenty-six nations were formed by his
Japheth inherited the coastal lands
around the Mediterranean Sea as well as the islands. He had seven sons who established 14 nations.
He and Shem lived in harmony with each other. Japheth’s descendants lived to
the north and west of Israel and their language was considered Indo-European.
Ham occupied what today are
northern Iraq, Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya. He had four sons and whose
descendants founded 30 nations. Ham’s son, Canaan, was cursed for his error
with Noah, but the curse landed on Ham as well.
The lands settled by Noah’s sons. Photo courtesy of Google Images.
Black History in the Bible (2016). Biblical and Historical Evidence
of Black Hebrews).
The Real Book of Enoch resurfaced at the beginning of the 17th century when it was discovered in Ethiopia, written in an Ethiopic language. In fact, the book of Enoch is preserved in its entirety in the Church at Ethiopia, and is included in their Bible. The Ethiopians claim it was divine scripture. [Written before the Great Flood].– [ ].
The term “Book of Jasher” is a bit misleading. This was not a book written by someone named “Jasher”. In fact the word “Jasher” (Hebrew: Yashar) means “Upright” so that the Hebrew Sefer HaYashar is “The Upright Book”. The definite article “Ha” tips us off that this is not a person’s name but a modifier for the word “book”.
Book of Methuselah:One of the books attached to of the Book of Enoch. [Written before the Great Flood].
Book of Noah: One of the books attached to the Book of Enoch.
[Written before the Great Flood].
Eisenstein, A. and Hapgood, C. (2006). The Einstein and Hapgood Papers,
Crustal Shift/Physics Forums.
Kabbala/Zohar: Kabbalah is the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers). It reached the height of its influence in the later Middle Ages and remains significant in Hasidism. The Zohar (Hebrew: זֹהַר, lit.”Splendor” or “Radiance”) is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah (the five books of Moses) and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology.
Kranz, Jeffrey (2013). What was it like before Noah’s flood?In Bible Facts.
Midrash Tanchuma The genre of Jewish literature known as Midrash has been poetically described as “the hammer that awakens the slumbering sparks on the anvil of the Bible.” The Midrashic process utilizes a variety of methods, including expositions, explanations, gematria, plays on words, legends, and parables, to broaden our understanding of the full meaning of the biblical text.
New King James Version Study Bible (2nd ed). (2007).
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
[Genesis, Ezekiel,
Isiah, I Chronicles, Matthew, Luke, Hebrews, I and II Peter]
Torah: (Judaism) the scroll of parchmenton which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during services. Judaism – the monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud.
Yalkut Shimoni: The Yalkut Shimoni (Hebrew ילקוט שמעוני), or simply Yalkut, is an aggadic compilation on the books of the Hebrew Bible. It is a compilation of older interpretations and explanations of Biblical passages, arranged according to the sequence of those portions of the Bible to which they referred.