Copyright 2019 by Joan Berry

In the beginning, the focus was on God creating the material world including mankind. Man, made in God’s image was given sovereignty over the newly created world (NKJV, 2007, 1995, p. 7).

God is introducing Jesus Christ as the Servant-Messiah who would bring the world to knowledge of God. God is asserting his authority in v. 5 by announcing that he the source of physical and spiritual life (NIV Study Bible, 1995, p.1102-1103)

The Word was Christ and he was with God, the Father, before Creation. The world was created through God, the Creator Son (NKJV, 2007, p. 1656); John records a great tragedy in that humankind did not recognize their own creator (Barton et al., 2001, p. 365). “

In the call to praise the Creator, it is a call to praise God for all creation from the heavens to the human heart. It is the call for the heavens to praise him, for the elements of earth to praise him, and for the people to praise him (NIV Study Bible, p. 982; NKJV, p. 960).

Moses had been speaking to the Israelites at the Jordan River, but before they crossed, he made an intercession prayer to God for the Israelites by appealing to God’s faithfulness, mercy, and honor. He reminds God of his redemption of the Israelites, his promises, and his reputation among all nations and his election of Israel (NKJV, 2007, p. 286).
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A highway makes traveling easier and the “way of holiness” was a road built up between temples where only the holy and redeemed could walk on because they had to be ceremoniously clean. Wild animals made travel dangerous but the redeemed would be safe. The redeemed are those God redeemed from bondage and they are to enter the gates of Zion pursued only by gladness, not wild animals. Sorrow will flee (NIV Study Bible, 1995, p. 1058).

The psalmist considers his own faults, hidden and presumptuous, and asks to be delivered from them. He calls upon God as his rock and redeemer to redeem him (NIV Study Bible, 1995, p. 796).

The Christian is no longer under the control of evil, but under the benevolent will of Jesus Christ, the redeemer. The believer is delivered freed, redeemed from the penalty of sin by the payment of Jesus’ death on the cross (NIV Study Bible, 1995, p. 1815).